Friday, August 20, 2010

"Little Gypsy"

"When I was very young and the urge to be some place was on me, I was assured by mature people that maturity would cure this itch.

When years described me as mature, the remedy prescribed was middle age.

In middle age I was assured that greater age would calm my fever and now that I am fifty-eight perhaps senility will do the job.

Nothing has worked. . . In other words, I don't improve, in further words, once a bum always a bum. I fear the disease is incurable."

- John Steinbeck

I saw this quote on the blog of a "Wandering woman in Spain" and it reminded me of what my mom has called me for many years ~ "Little Gypsy". As far back as I can remember I've always loved to travel. I've been told that my itch to "get away" will subside as I get older, but it seems that itch is only getting stronger with age.

My parents traveled a lot when I was a child and they took my brother and me on many trips as well. We've been to Disney World several times, the Great Smokey Mountains, and Jamaica. Dad took Ryan and me to Cancun, Mexico for Spring Break one year and when I moved to Hawaii for a semester of school Dad went with me to help me "get set up". He just wanted to go to Hawaii, I know. I'm glad he went. After what happened just a few weeks ago, I'm glad I have those times to look back on.

One of my biggest dreams is to travel the world and see all that God has created. I love adventures and experiencing different cultures. It's fascinating to me how people do things so differently in other parts of the world. My dad loved to travel and visited many different places in the Caribbean and Mexico. He always wanted to take Ryan and me on a trip to Europe. I pray that one day I'll have the opportunity to make my Dad's dreams, and mine, come true.

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